Consult the bulletin, calendar, or contact
the Parish Office at 440-777-5050
for more information or to join a group
This group chooses a book from the best-seller lists and recommendations of members to read and discuss each month. New members welcome!
Various ministry groups sponsor a social after masses throughout the year, providing an opportunity to meet other parish members. Please see bulletin notices or calendar for any upcoming dates. Contact the parish office to schedule a coffee social sponsored by your group.
Meets the first Thursday of every month, September thru June, for a luncheon and speaker. Meetings are offsite and RSVP required for proper planning. Faithful Friends is open to men and women 50 years and older. This group also has programs such as dinner and theater evenings as well as day and overnight trips. Consult the bulletin for current information.
This group was formed to assist in maintaining and improving our parish grounds so that it is a welcoming and joyful place for our parishioners and visitors. All of the work is performed by dedicated volunteers and sponsored through the generosity of donations and our annual spring plant sale.
The Ministry of Fun and Fellowship is a social group for all adults. There are no dues or membership fees. Our purpose is to meet new people and renew old friendships within our parish family. It’s also an opportunity to get to better know the people we serve with the many ministries of St. Richard Parish. We have four activities a year:
We welcome all adults and are open to new ideas. Please see the bulletin and calendar for current dates and information.
This group welcomes new parishioners through cards, and an invitation to our annual parish picnic.