Are you or someone you know wondering about Catholicism or even being Catholic. If so, OCIA (formerly RCIA) is for you/them. OCIA is the process in which questions can be asked, commitments in faith grow deeper, and an encounter with Jesus in His Catholic Church can happen. We'll begin meeting in August. Complete the form below and either Fr. Tom or Ed DeVenney will be in contact with you to talk about details.
Adults interested in the Catholic faith or those who have been baptized, but not received Eucharist or Confirmation are encouraged to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).
The Easter Vigil is reserved for those who need all 3 Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. RCIA is celebrated through St. Brendan.
Contact: Parish Office 440-777-5050
RCIA may also be completed at St. Richard or neighboring parishes.
St. Brendan: 440-777-3702 or [email protected]
St. Clarence: 440-734-2414