St. Richard’s 1979 Graduating Class is gathering for a 45th anniversary reunion picnic at the Church on Sunday, October 27th, 2024, following the 10:15 a.m. Mass. All classmates and their invitees are welcome (11:15 AM-2:30 PM). Please spread the word, and if attending, consider bringing a side dish or dessert to share. Classmates are also gathering: Saturday, October 26
10:00 AM Bradley Woods Reservation for breakfast
8:00 PM Fat Head’s North Olmsted (the former Danny Boys Farm Market)
Sunday, October 27
2:30 PM Fat Head’s North Olmsted (the former Danny Boys Farm Market) for the Browns game
Contact Desmond Griswold at 440-829-7835 for more information or questions. Connect with your fellow classmates on the private Facebook page