
St. Richard School Closes

St. Richard School Closes

026035 034023027025On June 5, 2013, St. Richard School held its last Mass and closed its doors to students.  Many circumstances contributed to this sad development in the history of our parish:  the downturn in the economy beginning in 2008, increase in unemployment in the recent past, changing demographics (fewer children in North Olmsted) to name a few. 

St. Richard School opened in 1951 even before the church was completed.  Over the last sixty-two years, thousands of students have been educated, and formed in their Catholic Faith.  Countless numbers of parents and parishioners have contributed money and hours to raise funds for the school.  Volunteers have given their time to assist in the classrooms, playground, and lunchroom. Friendships have been forged and memories were made. 

 At the final mass, the entire school processed in led by banners representing the years the school was open.  The banners were carried by school alumni.   In his homily, Fr. Charles Stollenwerk said that though change is difficult we remember that God is always with us and that Jesus is the only constant in our lives.